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Su​garcraft Classes -Terms and Conditions

Before submitting a booking form, please​ read our Terms and Conditions of Business for our Sugarcraft Classes.

The Crafty Kitchen (TCK) Sugarcraft Classes – Terms and Conditions

These Terms and Conditions apply to all transactions made with The Crafty Kitchen-Sarah Garland, for private and group classes. They do not affect your statutory rights; however, UK law is applicable. We reserve the right to alter our terms and conditions at any time, please read them carefully and if you have any questions, please contact us before placing an order.


• Class Times and location

Classes will be held at the venue advertised unless otherwise advised. We hold the right if limited numbers are booked to change the venue, or class date. Refunds will not be issued for a change of venue, or any financial assistance  of refunds given towards extra travel costs. Class times are on our website and will be confirmed at the time of booking. Please ensure you arrive in time for your class, we will not wait to get started. Private class times will be communicated.


• Booking and Payment.

All bookings are taken via our website at Please submit your booking form and wait for a reply (usually within 24hrs). On receipt of your form, we will confirm that there is space available on your chosen course and advise you of payment options. Course finish times are approximate and can vary depending on the overall ability of the group, they may finish earlier or later than advertised.

Please note, classes are not held or booked until your completed booking form is received, and your booking fee taken, if you delay making payment once requested you could lose your class place as all places are booked on a first paid first served basis. Course prices may be subject to change without notice, and we reserve the right to reduce or increase course prices at any time due to increased costs of products. No refunds partial or in full will be given for courses booked by you that may later decrease in price, nor will we request you pay the difference for any courses you book that may later increase in price. We reserve the right to remove and add new courses to and from our schedule without warning.
You will be advised of the class booking fee on making your enquiry, this is required immediately to hold space on the class. The booking fee is Non-Refundable under ALL circumstances. Your remaining payment will be due 3 weeks before the class date, failure to make this payment on time will cancel your place on the class and forfeit your booking fee. Once final payment is made this is non-refundable unless we can fill your space.


It is your responsibility to provide the correct contact information when registering for a course. If we are unable to contact you, we cannot be held responsible for missed or cancelled courses and no refunds or alternative dates will be given.

On booking and paying for a course you will be sent a confirmation email with the information relating to your course. It is your responsibility to check your junk or spam folders in the event that our mail is filtered. If you do not receive a confirmation email, you agree to advise us of this, and it will be reissued.

Payment is taken via BACS transfer or cash delivery to our premises. Once payment has been made, we will email you receipt. We do not accept cheques, credit cards or Paypal. Please note, once your payment has been made it is Non-Refundable, as diary space is being held and other students refused for spaces. Spectators/friends/family/guests/translators are not permitted on the course unless they pay for a place of their own. We reserve the right to refuse admission to anyone or eject an attendee from a course should we deem that the attendee presents a risk to the business or is a disruption to or prevents the enjoyment of the rest of the class.


• Children

It is a possible to book Children between the ages of 8 -18 on our courses; however, they must be accompanied by an adult at all times unless we have specifically advertised the class as a Children's class. The adult will not participate in the class unless they have paid for a space for themselves, they will purely be there in a supervisory capacity. You must advise us at time of booking of the child’s age and give their supervisors details. Not all classes are suitable for children.


• Attendance and Cancellations

All classes require the payment of a non-refundable booking fee, followed by the remaining payment two weeks before your class date, all payments once made are Non -Refundable. Once you have purchased a course or day class with us your space is held and reserved just for you thus preventing anybody else from booking that space. Therefore, in the event of cancellations and no-shows where we will be left with an unfilled course space, no refunds or alternative course dates will be given under any circumstances. It is your responsibility to check that you can attend the course before you book it. In the event you are unable to attend your course, you may send somebody else in your place, we must be advised of this.

Attendees wishing to change a course date must do so by providing at least 1 months’ notice before the original course date booked. All amendments are subject to a £20 administration fee per course date per person. Booking amendments are subject to availability and are not reserved or confirmed until this admin fee is received.

If you wish to amend the date of a course that is a one off or seasonal course, or a course that is no longer running, you may choose another course of the same or lesser value. No refunds will be given for courses of a lesser value, and the difference is payable by you for courses of a greater value.

We are unable to accept responsibility for adverse weather, traffic conditions, public transport, sickness, or any other circumstances, personal or otherwise, which may affect your ability to attend a course in full or in part. Late comers may join the class at the point at which they arrive, however we are unable to repeat content missed or restructure the rest of the class as result of your lateness. If you miss a class owing to any of the above, our usual cancellation policy will apply. Please try to be on time.

If you need to depart from a course early, no refunds will be given in full or in part under any circumstances.

If for unforeseeable reasons we must postpone or cancel a course, you will be offered other available dates for your class. This may be the same course on another date, or another course to the same value, if you wish to change to another course of a higher value, the difference in price will be due. We are unable to accept responsibility for any peripheral costs surrounding course cancellations i.e. travel, hotels or childcare, that you have incurred.


• Photographs and Copyright.

On attending the course, you agree not to take photographs of the course or work in progress. This includes, but is not limited to, cake decorations, marketing or course materials, tools and supplies, our cakes, cupcakes or models, or our premises. You may photograph your own cakes at the end of the course, however out of consideration for other course attendees we would ask that you refrain from photographing other people’s work without their permission.

Filming during the course is Not Permitted Under Any Circumstances. If you wish to post photos of your own creations on social media sites you are welcome to do so, we ask that you credit them with a note to say that they were made under instruction at The Crafty Kitchen. We will take photos during our courses and will post these online for you to enjoy and share afterwards. All photos and rights remain the property of The Crafty Kitchen, if you would prefer not to have your photograph taken or used on our social media sites, please let us know. We do not use customers full names as any point in our publications.

All content on our website, Facebook page, and other social media platforms is the intellectual property of The Crafty Kitchen – Sarah Garland. By attending a course, you agree not to replicate any of this content for your own commercial purposes. The content of our courses is intended for your own cake making and enjoyment you agree not to replicate the cakes and techniques you learn on a course for the purposes of teaching the same or similar class, either for your own gain or on behalf of another business. You may make and sell the product that you have been taught but we ask that you refer all design rights back to The Crafty Kitchen when advertising your product. You may not host classes or workshops from our course content, designs or techniques.


• Course Content & Usage

The content of each of our classes is listed on our website under the class description and also on our Facebook page under the Events tab. You agree that your instructor is unable to deviate from the set course structure or add to the course content in any way. Our tutors are not obliged to give instruction in any other cake making technique or products other than those on the course you are attending. However, we will do our best to answer any questions you may have at the end of the class time permitting. The skills and techniques learned during your class are intended strictly for your sole use, they may be used to create cakes for you to sell within your own business or for personal use. Under no circumstances may the class in whole or part be replicated and taught or demonstrated either physically or online, this includes handouts/written instruction which are also deemed copyright of The Crafty Kitchen - Sarah Garland. Please understand this is our business and we will be forced to take legal action to protect it if we find anyone breaking this condition.


• What do you need to bring?

Tea, Coffee and Soft drinks will be available throughout the day. Many students do not like to stop for a formal lunch break, but personally we feel it is best to and step away from the work bench for a little while so in this case we suggest you bring a packed lunch. You will also need an apron, and you will need a notebook and pen.

A word on Food Allergies, please remember we are both a home and working kitchen, if you have any food or non food allergies you need to advise us before confirming your class as it may be the case that our environment is not suitable for you. Please note there are also animals in our home, not in the kitchen but if you have any severe allergies to them please take this in to consideration before booking.

All equipment used during the class is the property of The Crafty Kitchen and must not be removed from the class.


• Accident, Injury or Liability.

When purchasing and attending a class at The Crafty Kitchen you agree to completely indemnify The Crafty Kitchen, Sarah Garland and any of her representatives or property or holdings from blame, reimbursement or compensation for any Accident, Injury, Theft or Death which may be sustained whilst attending your class and held on any property associated with the afore mentioned.


How We Use Personal Information

All personal information that we may use will be collected, processed, and held in accordance with the provisions of EU Regulation 2016/679 General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) and your rights under the GDPR.

For complete details of our collection, processing, storage, and retention of personal data including, but not limited to, the purpose(s) for which personal data is used, the legal basis or bases for using it, details of your rights and how to exercise them, and personal data sharing (where applicable), please refer to Our Privacy Notice available from our website.



We reserve the right to change or update our terms and conditions without prior notice.


We very much look forward to meeting you and sharing our knowledge with you, 

we aim to have fun whilst learning and offer a relaxed, homely environment for you to learn in.

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